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Mountain Bike Roots - the early days of mountain biking

Spring Runoff

Thanks to Rob Nilsen for sending me the two 1983 photos.
(Click any picture to enlarge it)

Rob Nilsen in 1984 Spring Runoff Don Mertle in Spring Runoff, 1985 Bill Best in Spring Runoff, 1985 Jungle Jon in Spring Runoff, 1985
Rob Nilsen, 1983 (photo by Arne Ryerson) Don Mertle, 1985 Bill Best, 1985 Jungle Jon, 1985
Jpe Murray autographed photo at 1983 Spring Runoff Gordon Bainbridge in 1984 Spring Runoff, Pollock Pines, Califonria    
Thanks to Rob Nilsen for this classic autographed photo of Joe Murray crossing the finish line in 1983. (photo by Arne Ryerson) Gordon Bainbridge, 1984 (when I find the name of the photographer, I'll post it here)